Wednesday, March 26, 2008

!! funny adverts !!

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-19 16:46:24

a couple of clips to my lovely youtube viewers


XXsiansterXX  2008-03-24 18:38:13

hahahahahahahah the pepsi one lol
jakezecake  2008-03-13 15:00:44

i agree
captainkaelin  2008-03-12 17:46:12

i like the coke/pepsi one
stephaliciousxxx  2008-03-11 19:21:23

lol, the first one is somet that would happen to me!! knowing my luck lmao!! kool! kool!....lovin this video!! check my vid...stephanie crook...its me singing christina's track - HURT. Leave me a comment if u got enough time? Steph xxx
kiwicocorica182  2008-03-10 14:47:26

none of them are in the least funny!!!

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