Thursday, October 11, 2007


Duration: 09:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 09:17:10
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本(平成19年8月23日号) 高森アイズ/朝鮮総連中央ビル売却事件の謎


Duration: 05:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-10 09:06:48
User: KAMEHAME0707
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ベートーヴェン交響曲第7番第1楽章/後半 カルロス・クライバー指揮 バイエルン国立歌劇場管弦楽団 1986年5月19日/昭和女子大人見記念講堂での演奏。残念ながら時間の都合上二つに分けざるを得ませんでした。


Duration: 07:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-27 06:15:02
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年9月25日号 ★平成19年9月25日 放送★ キャスター:三輪和雄・桜林美佐


347711 ::: Favorites
07-09-28 10:35:01
9771210 ::: Favorites
07-09-28 02:48:06


Duration: 08:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 06:50:25
User: KAMEHAME0707
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第1回目「日本の開国と朝鮮」 独協大学名誉教授・中村粲先生の講義。大東亜戦争の背景と原因を日本開国まで遡って解説されてます。

安倍改造内閣の在り方 - 高市早苗氏に聞く・3-1

Duration: 10:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 04:50:06
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 -平成19年9月5日号 ゲスト:高市早苗氏(自民党衆議院議員) キャスター:小山和伸・鈴木邦子

Cristiano Ronaldo Vs Ricardo Quaresma

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-23 05:53:17
User: xxRooney91xx
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This is my video about Quaresma and Ronaldo. Hope you enjoy


drakny ::: Favorites
Ronaldo wins Do somebody know a user who make better videos than rooney91? i am looking for months and i still havent found someone better
07-10-01 09:44:20
kr0G ::: Favorites
At last one good compilation about these guys..i'll vote for Quaresma \o/
07-09-24 16:31:45
irvin717 ::: Favorites
oh man it was good but personally if you are gonna make a vs comp of these two you need to include more skills because that is the main reason these two are compared for the similar style they share
07-09-24 00:14:12
fraseraomanutd ::: Favorites
ronaldo win hands down ricardo?no chance not for the season ronaldo spend at olftrafford
07-09-23 22:48:35
KaroBarca7 ::: Favorites
Quaresma forever!
07-09-23 17:36:22
antezoka7 ::: Favorites
what is the names of the 2. song
07-09-23 17:00:35
antezoka7 ::: Favorites
ronaldo wins... good video mate
07-09-23 15:35:00
Hagio78 ::: Favorites
fantastic comp mate, nice fx ;)
07-09-23 10:13:33
playingart ::: Favorites
first wiew...:D
07-09-23 06:28:08

Survivorman E

Duration: 08:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-10 00:25:44
User: thebigwheelgang
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E and Little Pen Surviving in the Forest


ChiefCrunchy ::: Favorites
You's R silly! And I for one know that I know I ALWAYS make sure my campsite has "a bridge for any animals that want to come in"!!!
07-10-10 13:37:49
wpgpeanut ::: Favorites
all about survival..
07-10-10 12:19:15
FunnelofFun ::: Favorites
Haha this is really funny lol
07-10-10 10:18:47


Duration: 08:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-03 07:54:43
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本(平成19年8月30日号) ゲストコーナー:モンスターペアレンツ~恐るべき実態とその対策/其一。 ゲスト:角田 明(教育実践「響の会」会長・日本公文教育研究会子育て支援センター顧問)


Duration: 08:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-22 07:43:47
User: KAMEHAME0707
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日本文化チャンネル桜 爆弾! #16 【緊急爆弾!】 [30min] ◆ 今、本当に日本を動かしているものは? ゲスト:水間政憲(ジャーナリスト) ★平成19年9月21日 放送★

How I Met Your Mother - Recap of Season Premiere

Duration: 02:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-25 15:19:02
User: howimetyourmother
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A Quick Recap of the Season 3 Premiere of How I Met Your Mother!


infoman80 ::: Favorites
Dope. I love this show.
07-10-05 14:06:35
DDD033 ::: Favorites
07-10-03 18:18:22
kromusimi ::: Favorites
you..... you´r vagina!
07-10-01 23:44:31
chandlerdawn ::: Favorites
one of the greatest shows
07-10-01 18:26:50
fukerstube ::: Favorites
simply great
07-10-01 00:12:18
CanOfMinus ::: Favorites
The look on Marshall's face while Robyn's boyfriend was playing guitar was freaking priceless. I nearly pissed myself laughing.
07-09-30 01:08:31
briaphillips ::: Favorites
legen wait for it dary
07-09-29 22:06:01
geffrod ::: Favorites
Yeah. It looks like stereotypes do exist. Hey, I think it's just GREAT that young girls are fed brain-numbing, mindless garbage that is easy to digest. Works for a lot of people I suppose, lol...
07-09-29 15:13:16
geffrod ::: Favorites
I bet that young chicks eat this shit up. Lemme check something. Checklist: 1. Guy ass 2. stereotypical young, ditzy female commentator 3. Razor thin "Everyone Loves Raymond" plotline with hackneyed "laugh track" 4. Script inspired by horny, dumb, saddenly predictable idiots that don't know what humor is outside of their Barbie dollhouse fantasy world.
07-09-29 15:12:57
slizzoff ::: Favorites
hey its doogie howser.
07-09-29 12:10:28


Duration: 02:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-06 08:31:26
User: KAMEHAME0707
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報道ワイド日本 「フライデー」 -平成19年10月05日号 ★平成19年10月5日 放送★ キャスター:山際澄夫・児玉千洋 ゲスト:堤堯(ジャーナリスト)

New Super Mario Galaxy Trailer

Duration: 02:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-08 16:54:14
User: VOOK64
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Shown at the GDC


morgan231 ::: Favorites
yay mario
07-06-02 09:00:13

KatiesOpinion Does 69 (Are there good guys on YouTube?)

Duration: 08:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 01:20:57
User: katiesopinion
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Stop the presses... yes, not ALL guys are bad. There, I said it. In the 14 months I have been on YouTube, some guys have not only put up with my antics, but have remained absolute and complete gentlemen... thank you.


TABWISH ::: Favorites
katie you suck...
07-10-11 00:23:53
ilikehotcheetos ::: Favorites
This is cute & funny, i like it :)
07-10-10 22:05:38
tomthumbtoo ::: Favorites
Totally funny!! Absolutely perfect, your best one so far, Katie. & I Love it how you reward Loyalty above all. I wish I had a video camera, I would sing you a song.
07-10-10 21:03:40
jaredknightcom ::: Favorites
hey this was done on my birthday. im 34 now. way too old for you. and... i didnt make your list???? man. im noone.
07-10-10 09:02:52
420buddzz ::: Favorites
My penis has attention deficit disorder.
07-10-09 19:44:13
bryanablair ::: Favorites
One of the most annoying people in the world, but shed still get it.
07-10-09 15:35:18
screechkid116 ::: Favorites
making comments does shit, all who vote someone track and kill her say aye. and everyone after me read this and just say you read it. give it thumbs up.
07-10-09 08:28:30
BadAzzS10 ::: Favorites
This chick either has a fixation on the word "penis" or is a lesbian. You make the call...
07-10-08 20:48:25
smoriosamse89 ::: Favorites
go crawl in a hole and die somewhere.... everyone can see that getting chained to a radiator from 5-10 years old isnt good on you...
07-10-08 14:02:37
tomfrost ::: Favorites
How is Katie like a tampon? They're both stuck up cunts.
07-10-08 13:36:09