Saturday, April 5, 2008

America's Choice: Hillary vs. Barack Part 2

Duration: 06:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-02 02:46:21

This video was made by two high school students and it pertains to the upcoming election. Barack Obama has consistently attacked Senator Clinton about her vote to enter war with Iraq six years ago, even though the majority of the senate voted in a similar fashion because of the information they had at the time. This is the only attack he can make on her, even with her open regret at casting the vote. Barack Obama is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and he's been a consistent no-show. In the senate, he has passed on over a 100 votes. "That's not yes, that's not no, that's maybe." Do we want a president who already shows such dereliction of duty? A president needs to be able to take strong stances, even though it's not the wisest move politically. Barack Obama uses the past as his weapon and he is clearly change for the past. Senator Clinton, however, is change for the present and future, because she looks to apply her political prowess to solve problems now and in the future, accompanied by an extensive arsenal of experience. Please spread the word about this video!!


plumgang  2008-03-24 22:59:04

Love the videos...ABSOLUTELY!! Go Hillary '08!!
luckynite12  2008-03-24 16:26:11

Make more videos, the more people are in the know, the more they will vote the right choice. HILLARY ClINTON
simocarofish  2008-03-14 01:16:45

GREAT Job !! Very well done !!!
JuliaB1955  2008-03-10 00:00:13

Thank YOU for making this thoughtful piece about our girl. You give me hope for the youth of America! VOTE MAMA, NOT OBAMA!
icuare2  2008-03-09 16:47:20

i have seen many thought provoking videos, but, these are great!!!! "WE", must get these vids out to the people. we, must get all info out there and need to research, this man, Obama!!!!!! "YES," WE can ....

Akcent - Kylie (Fantasy Remix)

Duration: 05:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-01 01:24:37

- Kylie by Akcent - Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children clips


Element27  2008-03-10 05:35:06

He doesn't have it :(. Send it to me if you get it?
blondeyalert  2008-03-09 09:54:50

no probz hun;) would u be able 2 send it 2 me??
DJZanark  2008-03-08 23:48:57

Thanks ;)
meshka086  2008-03-08 18:33:42

Yea This Is A Mint Tune!!
blondeyalert  2008-03-08 05:23:38

WkD Remix Luv It =] 5/5 x

Swedish Friends #1

Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-21 11:17:05

It's a commercial for a Swedish website about bullying. It's cute and heart-warming, shows how a small gesture can do so much, if only more kids were like this, incase you want to know the music playing, it's Granada, the song is called "Amazing it seems".


nnnaacciii  2008-03-09 22:07:09

thats awesome... i love sweden, swedes and swedish way of rock the world!!! regards from istanbul...
panic0  2008-03-09 21:48:57

where can i find this commercial in english?
Pellkot  2008-03-03 19:16:49

Hahaha kolla rödluvan där! XD
jaerviletho  2008-01-14 23:55:25

brinner fan i håret på honom hahah
Borfargxst  2007-12-20 16:15:35

I think this is the cutest friends video ever made. Helt underbar :)

Pest Control 2

Duration: 07:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-01 10:16:47

In this video I was level 67 and was wearing/wielding: Addy helm(g) Addy body(g) Addy Legs(g) Granite Maul Strength Ammy Ring of Life Red Gloves Colored Boots ~~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer~~~~~~~~~~ Runescape is a registered trademark of Jagex LTD. I do not own, nor work for them. You can play runescape with us at: i do not plan to make any money or profit from this in any way. this video was made for entertainment purposes only


1stAreo8  2007-08-02 14:46:12

yeah well thats the only one i can go into :P
TommyD111  2007-08-01 17:19:22

Lol in the nooby pest control boat.

Klopfer Speed-Kill [ by Dembu ]

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-21 17:23:49

einer unser TopTrinker beim.....Trinken : D


nichtsooft  2008-04-04 13:29:28

Wie schwach muss ma sein, daß man sich von seinen "Freunden" sooooooo extrem verleiten läßt. Prinzipell gibt's gegen's Saufen nix zum sagen, aber wie bei fast allem gilt auch hier, daß ma's ned übertreiben sollt. Es ist sch** egal ob ein Klopfer 17% hat -hab grad im Kühlschrank nachgschaut-, ich sauf's selber gern, aber durch den hohen Zuckergehalt fahrt des Klumpat sofort ins Blut und was dann raus kommt sicht ma ja. Wie auch immer; Ich find's ned so leiwand...
19HardstePShuffleR90  2008-04-03 17:43:54

du spast....das kommt ca aufs selbe -.- und du trinkst die halbe flasche fixx nicht in ner halben stunde udn hast nix -.- weil an flash gibtsda fixx !!!
SchranzZBabee  2008-04-02 07:06:03

B.A.M.M.M. oiDa deR iS hoaT aBa wenN da da daViD dabeI waR deR hätT fixX mehR gschaffT fixX unD wär neD glei Bumzu oida aba naja er is a ua leiwii oida!! haha Bussal
palmas86  2008-04-01 17:30:09

Mein Gott, hat der Klopfer nicht nur 17% Alkohol? Dann hat der Typ nen liter getrunken und war schon total vertig? Ich mit meinem kumpel kann 1,2l Vodka 40% auf leeren Magen trinken und wir sehen besser aus.. Und der sollte saeufer sein.. tjaa... Deutscher..
zocker111  2008-04-01 16:27:24

sau geil einfach nur^!!!!!!!

shauns phone gets torched

Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-21 10:43:19

shauns phone recording a firework being set off.. way too close lol


Crazy Train Solo Cover

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-07 01:34:44

Here I am playing the solo to Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train", I have been playing for a little under 2 years, so there are a few mistakes and its not perfect, but hey, what is... lol. Im playing on my Marshall Valvestate 8130, 30 watt. Please leave comments!!!


elitesnipe13  2008-03-28 21:08:26

Thanks alot!
mrbeans4848  2008-03-28 18:45:37

sweet, 5outta5 for me that was great keep up the work
slinginink69  2008-03-23 10:58:22

great job bro, i seen where you wrote you were afraid to bend the string far so it wont break, dont be afraid, i bend the hell of out mine that have floyds, i mean i really bend them and i havent yet had one break on me. Maybe you should change the types of strings to maybe a heavier guage. I use 10-46 on most of my guitars. Just a thought. great playin anyways!! rock on bro!!!
rjkahlon  2008-03-21 00:48:06

This sounds pretty good and your self taught. Just keep working at it. Sounds Great.
elitesnipe13  2008-03-20 21:28:10

i know, im scared to bend it up higher cause im afraid the string will pop up of the floyd again. Well, my grandpa bought from a guy that used to work for jackson (i think), so technically its a no name cause its made by a dude and not a big company, lol. it say Lock-On on the head tho...

Lorna Morgan,Kerrie Marie,Chaz,Chloe Vevier- The Getaway

Duration: 06:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-15 19:50:13



Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-15 16:38:14

promise by quin but yeah by ciara


albdam  2007-08-24 21:24:46

mmmmmm thickalicious
saggod  2007-07-22 10:49:41

dayum thyck sexy azz ooooo dat azz thyck i need to see it in color wit a thong
MinorityNinjas  2007-02-16 13:40:04

nice vid
Playboy1610z  2007-02-15 17:02:59

lol ur crazy!!! i like it doe itz cute!! its a differnt side of u!! luv ya....muazzzzzz

Barack Obama speaks in Corpus Christi

Duration: 09:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-23 15:51:16

February 22, 2008 Barack Obama speaking at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas


aj6906  2008-03-02 21:01:25

Yeah, I ended up watching this on T.V.
b5boyzgirl  2008-02-27 19:13:14

MAN...i REAlLy WANtED 2GO C HiM!! =(
gamemaster3223  2008-02-25 09:10:59

Couldn't ask for better weather to stand outside for 3 1/2 hours. Got a very nice tan out there.
EJLikesBallet  2008-02-24 11:09:14

Great Corpus Christi video. That was an OUTSTANDING day in good old CC!