Tuesday, July 31, 2007

George Michael and Queen - Somebody to Love

Duration: 310 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-31 20:09:06
User: afterglow114
:::: Favorites

While Freddie Mercury was the epitome of talent for his time, George Michael pays him a well deserved tribute of one of Queens most popular songs, Somebody to Love. Enjoy!

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maximunlex ::: Favorites
George Michael is the best singer and say so!!!
07-05-18 16:58:36
IFR ::: Favorites
That is a class performance!! GM does a great job at that, and live!! Seemed perfect too - looked like the entire audience was clapping their hands, and thats a lot of people!!!
07-05-19 12:23:08
smiffy1071 ::: Favorites
I wonder how this might sound if MIKA was singing?
07-06-29 23:59:34
afterglow114 ::: Favorites
I'm not a Mika fan...my opinion is biased....I think it would be awful.
07-07-03 20:19:41
FreddieMercuryOwns ::: Favorites
I think MIKA would be amazing! But no living man can match Freddie's voice and nobody should try. We love Freddie and we always will.
07-07-05 08:12:20
TodSpengo ::: Favorites
Imagine if George Michael took over for Freddie Mercury ... That's how I usually describe Mika to people. This video kinda proves it.
07-07-05 22:11:41
romciom ::: Favorites
Oh my God! Thatks all I have to say.... Tommorow GM is playing a concert in Poland, I'll be there of course. I didn't think that I'll be SO glad even if I am not a big fan. I hope both freddie and George will be remembered till the end.
07-07-10 10:46:10
WeasleyOurKing ::: Favorites
pffft Freddie wasnt all that in a bag of chips, in fact, he was POOPY! Why you say? Because he was married with a kid and caught aids from being purple or special........Cough. Yeah Freddie was a sinister piece of poop when he was alive and he paid for his actions but he sang a few good songs.
07-07-18 21:45:15
afterglow114 ::: Favorites
wow....that post was a sinister piece of poop, too.
07-07-19 00:12:22
FreddieMercuryOwns ::: Favorites
Weasly! I should have killed you for that you piece of ignorant shit!!! Everybody makes mistakes... But youre just an ashole.
07-07-21 06:35:47

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