Saturday, August 4, 2007

Ask Super-Ninja [Ep.3]

Duration: 365 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-14 14:02:56
User: 1938superman
:::: Favorites

I am Super-Ninja. I am here to take your questions and use my kung-fu grip on them. Today's Questions Are From: Puissse - Stefaneedee - Lateralist -

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puissse ::: Favorites
Karate Chop to the throat, OWY!!
06-10-14 15:15:51
BMac199 ::: Favorites
No beer today? Is Super-Ninja in AA?
06-10-14 15:43:51
cradamik ::: Favorites
You are fucking hilarious! I love your videos, by the way. When I get some time to do so, I'll send you a video. Take care, and watch out for the "karate chop to the throat!" :D
06-10-14 20:09:18
Stefaneedee ::: Favorites
LMFAO. I completely forgot about asking the second part of that question. (Must have been feeling frisky that night!) Loved it, Loved it, Loved it. You are so right...I DON'T see the letter L in your name. :) I will now go injest large quantities of alchohol. TY
06-10-15 23:16:20
hayousuck3000 ::: Favorites
Your voice needs to get deeper ... i guess your balls havent dropped all the way yet... the went back up idk i have heard crying that sounds manlier then that shit pizza hoe
07-04-13 19:19:31
1938superman ::: Favorites
Wow, you seem to be WAY TOO INTERESTED in my balls. Perhaps that says more about you than me. This is actually gettiing more pathetic with every comment. I'm amazed.
07-04-13 20:00:38
TheHBK619 ::: Favorites
You are relly retarded and i agree with that one guy have your balls droped yet? The real ask a ninja is way better you need to go get a life.
07-06-13 20:53:09

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