Sunday, August 12, 2007

Johnson Speech on the Emergency War Supplemental - 3/23/07

Duration: 599 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-23 12:31:22
User: JohnBoehner
:::: Favorites

Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX) delivers the closing speech on the emergency war supplemental and Democrats' "slow-bleed" strategy.

RedRules4Real ::: Favorites
This is an excellent companion speech to John Boehner's "Slow Bleed" Speech, which btw, is an outstanding 5 minute lesson on American Politics and War. Both 5 Stars...!
07-04-14 23:39:42
TheRepublicMenu ::: Favorites
He knows what it means. You must be a dumb liberal?
07-05-01 16:28:16
neoKonscious ::: Favorites
What a hayseed. And Redneck's neocon bullshit and namecalling, "defeatists", "liberalists" the best argument you freaking neocons can come up with? Surrendering Iraq? Talking points without reason. Even General Patraeus says there is NO military solution. What is their mission? Be crystal clear! To do otherwise, serves no troops or national interest. If you don't have a clear mission, get the f**k out!
07-05-03 17:44:10
neoKonscious ::: Favorites
Yep, the left side knows what's applaudable.
07-05-03 17:44:55
neoKonscious ::: Favorites
Yep, excellent companion speech to Boner's. Both delusional and factually challenged. Shamelessly, they repeat the same talking points over and over when even a casual investigation reveals there's no meat, just air, wishful thinking and a ideology over substance. But on and on they go, leaving more and more of the thinking public behind.
07-05-03 17:47:36
RedRules4Real ::: Favorites
Thanks Sam! You're outstanding logic obviously prevailed in Congress. I'm certain this speech had a lot to do with the Democrats abandoning their hateful EWS bill in favor of something that makes sense.
07-05-03 21:09:04
Blackrain4xmas ::: Favorites
I don't understand why Democrats didn't applaud when he said that pork spending doesn't support the troops?
07-05-29 10:07:30
lt5lee ::: Favorites
"i"t5lee (NOT LT5LEE, me) l"D"5lee lt5"1"ee lt5"i"ee zeriouslee usus53 usus58 telenqardc64 telenfartdc64 saynotocliton saynotoclinton armsyrup armUOrup OILegionnaire neoKonscious KroveDC
07-06-23 23:55:03
lt5lee ::: Favorites
dingobarry GODrunk bushitman bush1tman toadsucker25 Aerit98 Spentpoen spermpoet Irqpp (NOT Ir"G"pp) TheRepubIicMenu imBatman49 Evolvelution WWrRRjJ432 taciturntim diablogtrx
07-06-23 23:55:24
lt5lee ::: Favorites
Gospe"i"lightz ludocrat downwithc"i"inton t"i"m8u All theses are the Same GAY Spamming ASSHOLE "usus53" Probably a REAL paid spammer for Soros to do what he does best, deceive the weak minded while sucking Soros's cock. He is anti-American, pro-terrorist and not safe around children with his kiddy porn comments.
07-06-23 23:56:08

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