Sunday, August 12, 2007


Duration: 361 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-04 22:49:22
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dafttool ::: Favorites
WTF, AWM? I'm a science teacher. You do the research and get back to me with a proper question. You may have a "campaign" to work on, but I have a life to live.
07-07-30 11:32:20
Guunniitt ::: Favorites
Dear Freedom Lover, We are holding an online rally for Dr. Paul. We are doing this to publically and visibly display our support for his principled and consistent message of freedom and limited government. We want this rally to be truly *massive*. We are going to show that, as Dr. Paul says: Freedom is popular! Please join us. Go to: htt p :/ / ral ly. ronpaulplanet . org Then send this message to everyone you can think of.
07-07-30 14:12:59
InterpolFL ::: Favorites
these guys are assholes to each other, lol
07-07-30 22:00:13
atlibent ::: Favorites
This is what EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN SHOULD SEE watch?v=204x1QEHGIM and for the love of God DONT USE VOTING MACHINES
07-08-02 21:59:20
VonHelton ::: Favorites
Correct! :)
07-08-06 01:02:43
compelled2283 ::: Favorites
07-08-06 02:41:42
Andoseroby ::: Favorites
evolution is not a belief its a scientific theory based on facts! its not something you believe or don't believe, its freakin science
07-08-10 01:05:00
jacknewt ::: Favorites
There is nothing morally wrong or unAmerican about private equity if profits are legitimately earned (as is the case). There is plenty of evidence(and a lack of evidence contradictory) that indicates that offshorring human capital has a net benefit to the US economy. If we really want to remain the #1 power in the world, it is not through protectionism or putting up walls so that we do not have to compete fairly, but to embrace free trade and to compete.
07-08-11 03:27:53
7and7is ::: Favorites
Helping pass laws to destruct worker's unions so that you can lay off thousands of Americans and give those jobs to Indians and pay them 1/4 as much is un-American. You and Mitt Romney may not wish to protect the working citizen, but I do.
07-08-11 18:02:49
appregios ::: Favorites
all the candidates are idiots of the same crap to kill our country they dont care are you kidding only 2 are gravel and definitly ron paul save us
07-08-12 00:45:00

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