Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kerry JIg/Gallagher's Frolics/Munster Buttermilk

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-05 19:16:43
User: RyanDunsSJ
:::: Favorites

I've been writing a paper all day on Karl Rahner and Emmanuel Levinas. I'm tired, I'm mentally exhausted, and I still have to go to Mass for Holy Thursday! So, in order to refresh, I shot this video.

lcorinth ::: Favorites
Good work for being so beat!
07-04-06 02:48:15
mytimeisablur ::: Favorites
I know what you mean - I play the fiddle and sometimes it's just nice to play a few tunes to refresh :) great job with these tunes :)
07-04-06 13:22:10
hbirdman25 ::: Favorites
God, is Rahner and Levinas that horrible? My pet karate monkey has a better sound coming from his special places.
07-04-07 10:00:07
darkslayerqc ::: Favorites
Great M.Duns! I'm having great fun myself palying Gallager's frolics these days. Your version is simply great, i'll use it as an example!
07-04-08 16:41:55
bdcgm ::: Favorites
Very nice! Plus, it taught me that Munster Buttermilk is actually a different song than I thought it was... I have a hard time with remembering the correct titles, even in the videos that I've posted.
07-04-09 23:21:52
cybernun ::: Favorites
I'm giving a talk tomorrow on the mysticism of Rahner, and your video was a refreshing break for me. Thanks!
07-04-16 18:00:37
SemperFiKid ::: Favorites
why become a priest? then u cant have a wife or girlfriend
07-05-28 09:37:45
tardistheif ::: Favorites
Dude that was the most kick awesomest whistling i've evere seen, i heard you got lik some kind of online school, is it free? if so how do i join? message me plz, ty
07-06-16 01:49:37

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