Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: Debate '08: Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl

Duration: 05:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 01:35:47
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

justinstout1234 ::: Favorites
Obama supports invading Pakistan. Giuliani supports staying in Iraq. Warmongers!! Both of them are members of the CFR and NAU, which will basically dissolve our borders. Vote American... vote for Ron Paul in 2008. RonPaul2008 . com
07-08-06 22:14:30
corrybigcuteyan ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-02 22:35:45
AeroJunkie20 ::: Favorites
you make our country look bad to the rest of the world.
07-07-20 12:35:28
kddmn ::: Favorites
I bet he rides on the short bus.
07-07-19 10:35:33
freckles5483 ::: Favorites
oh my god. i couldn't even get through this entire video. i wish the obama girls and the rest of the slut could see who's watching their video. maybe if they saw your ugly ass, they would stop being whores and get some respect for themselves.
07-07-18 13:38:11
Objectivist888 ::: Favorites
oh my god O_o
07-07-17 22:29:24
AnnyaMoon ::: Favorites
*cruising by to give ya 5 stars as always*
07-07-17 16:24:58
razelma ::: Favorites
Cos its fun! Can i have a shout out for Bethany wishing her glee at the Elliot Minor gig, her very first! What was the first concert you ever attended Johnnie?
07-07-17 05:14:07

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