Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: What is Circuit Bending?

Duration: 04:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-21 21:09:17
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

MzBrown125 ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this
07-03-23 12:44:32
ARL0K ::: Favorites
johnny your an iddiot .... damn straight too many burnt brain cells ...
07-03-21 22:06:56
karmabobby ::: Favorites
What a div, stupid yank
07-03-21 19:06:26
prettyrandom ::: Favorites
is this an act?
07-03-20 19:37:33
ALthekiller111 ::: Favorites
This is what happens when you mix A camera with a brain damaged retarded old redneck arwarawrawrawraw
07-03-20 18:57:39
funtimer35 ::: Favorites
this guy sucks.
07-03-19 23:59:19
keirSpitfire ::: Favorites
So the only thing about the clip, was "its about circuit bending" And the hat looks like a tabogon? WTF!
07-03-19 07:06:37
muslimah02 ::: Favorites
r u dumb were u drunk or sumfink? ur not funny right ur jus being a stupid idiot go change ur actions nobody wants to know if u lyk gwen stafani or whatever her name is NOBODY WANTS TO KNOW U LOOSER!YEH I DID SAY LOOSER
07-03-18 10:54:34
jcambu1 ::: Favorites
You are drinking again right? you got a wild tooth down there. You're asking for donations? I like your muslim hat. nice
07-03-16 19:56:19
zeekertron ::: Favorites
i hope you die.
07-03-16 02:21:23
sint3k ::: Favorites
holly crap whats wrong with you
07-03-15 10:32:00
kdgoodreau ::: Favorites
yes = are you retarded or what?
07-03-13 20:44:47
agreymonkeynamedasa ::: Favorites
This is what happens when you remove Darwin's natural selection. This dirt bag needs to be removed from the human race before he pollutes our blood line!
07-03-10 14:59:45
iCONICAACINOCi ::: Favorites
me too, someone get a vet quick, you have to be cruel to be kind!
07-03-09 22:25:57
lilysummers ::: Favorites
i just wasted 4:18 min of my life.
07-03-08 17:03:59
janooosetreezon ::: Favorites
HAHAHA, he has a hat now?
07-03-07 17:35:45
TuEsBitchass ::: Favorites
this is definitley something to get u pumped for a suicide attempt
07-03-07 03:12:31
selannefan ::: Favorites
really annoying seeing this guy trying to leech onto every popular video with his " responses"
07-03-05 23:25:21
Carambolistu ::: Favorites
fuckin' redneck!
07-03-05 15:04:02
capsaicin85 ::: Favorites
oh my. you are profoundly stupid.
07-03-04 05:49:44

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